Where will your project take place?

Village of Laurium Downtown

Briefly Describe Your Project Idea:

The Village of Laurium is looking to beautify our downtown through murals, which would be painted by local artists that live within our community and region. My role as the Village Manager would be to make sure that the murals reflect on the history of our community and the mining days.

Why does your community need this project?

Our community’s infrastructure is deteriorating and the outside of the buildings throughout our downtown district are becoming incredibly outdated. Therefore, the village and its planning committee want to rejuvenate the community through some positive changes, while still making sure that our community’s history is not forgotten going into the future. We believe that this can be accomplished through murals and reflecting on our history as “Copper Country.”

What do you hope to achieve through this project?

The Village looks to start a trend a revitalization within our downtown and throughout our community. Our council and planning commission believe that if we show the community that we are trying to improve the image of our downtown, then the other surrounding businesses will follow our lead. As the new village manager, I want to reflect back on our community’s rich history dating back to the mining days and bring our past into the future. I believe this micro-grant can help start our village on the path of downtown revitalization.

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Voting will open at 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 30 and close Sunday, June 11 at 11:59 pm.



Project Multimedia

The Village Hall on the Main street of Laurium

Looking down Hecla St. the mainstreet of Laurium.

The garage doors of the Village Hall where the 3 part mural would be placed.

The side of the Village Hall, another possible location of a mural.

The other direction of Hecla St, a continuation of our downtown main street area.