All elected municipal officials must have a basic foundation of knowledge upon which to build their effectiveness as community leaders. The Tim Doyle Scholarship Fund helps provide access to the most critical information for newly elected officials through the Elected Officials Academy (EOA) Core Weekender seminar. There they can learn about financial management, leadership skills, legal issues and planning and zoning.

The scholarship was created in honor of Tim Doyle, who passed away in early 2008. Doyle was a councilmember in Durand, an EOA board member, and an ardent supporter of elected officials training. His wife, Deb Doyle, is a past president of the Michigan Municipal League, former EOA board member, and current mayor of the city of Durand. The EOA board resolved that Tim Doyle be honored through this educational scholarship program.
Deb Doyle contributed the initial $1,500 to fund the scholarship program. The focus is on selecting primarily newly elected officials to attend the core weekender, although veteran officials will not be excluded from consideration. This scholarship will only be awarded for the Core Weekender program. It will not be awarded for the Advanced Weekender program.
Application Deadlines:
Due to the pandemic, dates for the EOA Core Weekender for 2021 may change. Please check back later for updates.
Help us keep this valuable training resource for newly elected officials. For every $1,000 donated, you can help five local elected officials get the tools they need to identify, develop and implement strategies that will grow and strengthen Michigan’s communities. You can make a contribution conveniently and securely.
Tim Doyle Scholarship Fund Application
Due to the pandemic, dates for the EOA Core Weekender for 2021 may change. Please check back later for updates.